
Provide employees with exclusive access to JamDoughnut

Together we can help you reward your team

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How can JamDoughnut help to boost employee satisfaction?

JamDoughnut can be used as the ultimate benefit app to reward your team for all the hard work they put in.

  • Help your team get instant cashback on their everyday spend
  • Distribute HR rewards and recognition prizes
  • Sales incentives
  • Dedicated support

We love working with businesses to tailor campaigns and promotions for their companies. We’re proud of our high customer satisfaction and ratings and have a number of channels for engagement.

How can JamDoughnut help to boost employee satisfaction?
Help salaries go further

Help salaries go further

By using JamDoughnut, your staff will be able to earn instant cashback on their everyday spend helping their salaries go further.

We partner with major supermarkets, restaurant chains and online and high street shopping chains. We can even offer customised cashback rates for your team.

HR rewards and recognition prizes

JamDoughnut provides a platform for HR departments to distribute rewards, recognise outstanding achievements, and provide sales incentives seamlessly.

You can instantly reward employees with a wide range of options, from gift cards to exclusive discounts, tailored to their preferences. This not only simplifies the logistics of reward distribution but also ensures that the recognition feels personal and meaningful.

HR rewards and recognition prizes
HoW can JamDoughnut help your business?

HoW can JamDoughnut help your EMPLOYEES?

Help Salaries, Hr Awards, Self Incentives.

Get in touch with us today